Looking for a job in tech?

Recently, I’ve been participating in some engaging Twitter (X) spaces, one of which focused on job-seeking in tech.

Whether as a frontend developer, backend developer, or another role within tech, navigating the job market over the last year has presented significant challenges for many.

In reviewing the profiles of aspiring tech professionals, I’ve noticed common pitfalls that hinder their journey to securing their next job.

Here are some tips to improve your visibility and appeal to potential employers:

  1. GitHub: Maintain an active GitHub account to showcase your work.
  2. Portfolio Site: If you aim for a job in tech, having a site to display your work is essential.
  3. LinkedIn: Ensure your profile is up-to-date and share your professional journey.
  4. Twitter (X): Include links to the above accounts in your profile for easy access.

More about Github

When reviewing candidates, a GitHub profile filled solely with practice repositories from learning courses might not impress. It raises the question of the authenticity of the work. With tens of thousands of clones for popular applications, it’s vital to create unique, real projects that demonstrate your capabilities and foresight.


  • Frontend Dev: Design web templates and layouts, perhaps using one for your portfolio site. Develop JavaScript plugins for potential future use.
  • Backend Dev: Write reusable components in your preferred programming language.
  • General Advice: Tackle issues, submit pull requests, and show your proficiency with Git.

Your portfolio site

If you don’t yet have a portfolio site, it’s time to build one. It’s a crucial step to showcase your abilities. (Hint: Host your site’s code on GitHub so employers can review your work.)

  • Blog about your career choice and the challenges you’ve overcome. Programming is all about problem-solving, after all.
  • Include a resume page with up-to-date information and experiences.
  • Showcase your projects in a dedicated portfolio section.

LinkedIn & Twitter (X)

Enhance your LinkedIn profile by sharing insights, challenges, and successes from your tech journey, further establishing your expertise.

As for Twitter (or should we say X? 🙂 ), create a visually appealing profile with consistent imagery across platforms for instant recognition. Ensure your bio reflects your professional identity and interests, and don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and experiences. Engaging with like-minded individuals and participating in spaces are excellent ways to network.

Using these platforms effectively can significantly amplify your presence in the tech world. Remember, it’s all about showcasing your skills and engaging with the community.